Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
Two sides
Is there anyone who dislikes money?Money is something we absolutely need in life.It is very inconvenient if a person does not have money.Therefore, in order to earn money, many people spend most of their time at work.However, when they are stuck at work, they ...
The escape of the planet
Feeling the cold air the world is worth living inI discover the meaning of life from the cold predawn air; I receive strength [energy] to live and find the fate and path of the day. Though I am a weakling who has to shower with hot water even in the midst of ...
"The stone soup"
Once upon a time, there was a small yet beautiful village. One day, a traveler knocked on a door, asking for food while walking by the village.“I’m doing such a thing because I am really hungry, so please share some of your food.”“In my house, there are ...
I have no confidence...
Meeting the Lord in itself is grace,living with the Lord in itself is grace,and living while listening to the Lord’s Word wherever I may be is also grace.- Heaven’s Word, My Word Volume 6 -“Lord… I have no confidence…...No confidence in losing!I don’t ha...
Conversing on a child's level
“It is sad if someone passes away~ That is why people gathered and are being sad. So mommy, daddy, and granny are going to comfort your aunt and be in grief together~”My sister-in-law’s father has passed away. Many of my family rearranged their schedules an...
The standard of value
There is this “penny-wise and pound-foolish” old saying that means you get what you pay for. This is also one of my wife’s nitpicking lines to me who likes words like “clearance sale,” “product of the month,” “huge sale,” and etc. [If the saying is tr...
The center of the world
“The cost of the oil has gone down a lot. Why has it gone down so much?” My wife asks me this as she checks the price outside. Using my phone, I search the causes of the drop in the price of oil in our nation. The cause was Libya has recently come to trade w...
I want to live with the Lord
I asked my first son, the four-year-old, as a thought came to my mind when we were playing together about six months ago. “Hey Eun-ho, do you want to go to Heaven?”“Yup.”“What do you want to do when you go there?”“I’m going to meet the Lord.”“What do...
There's no time to be sick
It has finally happened, the sick feeling to my stomach from the Sunday night.Grasping tightly onto the toilet in predawn, checking that it’s the leftover food from yesterday with a greet and bursted out the rest with explosive diarrhea.When I finally put my ...
God knew everything.
God does not just show grace to people for no reason. He shows grace only to those who have set enough conditions to receive grace. -Heaven’s Word, My Word Volume 6-There was a pastor who someone respected but could not become close to because there were far...
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