Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
The grandpas who play soccer
In the early morning on Sundays, I choseto go to a sports field instead of a brook with my husband and my kids. Since the sports field near my house is a grass field, people--who play ball--often go and gather there, but that Sunday I was shocked by an unexpec...
Zucchini pancakes and kids
Around this time every yearin front of my house, a lady often sells zucchini and eggplants that she grows on her own. It was a Saturday morning andI did not have to go to work, so with a relaxed heart, I bought a few good-looking zucchini and madezucchini panc...
A brief moment to eternity
1. That person who went silent without any news until now... Having been told to empty home for a short while Just for a brief moment The promise of just a brief moment becomes a century A century becomes history And the history of love passes by After having ...
Speical positivity
The sentence my 5 year old son is always saying these days is ``no!``. Whatever he sees, whether it`s a form of X, plus or a cross, he would always say ``Mom, that means no``. In the beginning, I just listened but when this went on for couple of weeks, months ...
Joyful effort
"You are unattractive these days~"This senctence my bridegroom said while he was so tired to point of not opening eyes.I think I nag even more these days.The more I become busy and tempered, I come to worry and complain more about my bridegroom.Even a month ag...
Why does it matter to you?
Human beings in this present agesaythat they are filled with knowledge,but they are actually people who are filled with ignorance.-Heaven’s Word My Word Vol.3-“What if Adam and Eve did not fall?” “What if Jesus did not die?”Why do you ask these kinds of ...
Etiquette about God
Ever since I was little, I've heard that I am 'clueless- immature' alot. Now that I am older, I think I know why they said such thing to me. However there are many times that I cannot do even if I try to fix because I do not know what it means to be 'mature...
밥 먹기 책임노선
저녁이 되었습니다. “주안아, 밥 먹어!!” “주안아! 엄마 목 아파. 의자에 좀 앉아!” 10번은 부르니 그제야 제 방에서 스믈스믈 기어 나옵니다. 아들을 간신히 식탁에 붙잡고 있으니 이제는 신랑 엉덩이가 들썩거립니다.“어딜 가려고?”두 눈에 쌍심지를 켜고 말을 하니,“아...
왜 술 안 먹어요?
회식자리에 가게 되면 처음으로 받는 질문이, “왜 술 안 먹어요?”다.“여러 가지 이유가 있지만, 종교적인 이유가 첫 번째죠.”“내가 아는 목사 아들이 있는데, 술 정말 잘 먹던데요?” 주변에 있는 술 잘 먹는 기독교인은 왜 그리 많은지. “한 잔만 먹어봐요. 술도 안 먹고 ...
중학교 때 친하게 지내던 친구가 있었다. 대학생이 되어 다시 만난 그 친구는 미용을 공부하고 있었다. 어느 유명 미용실에 취직한 친구는 늦은 저녁까지, 주말에도 일해야 했다. 당시 그 친구의 가장 큰 소원은 일요일을 쉬어 예배를 드리는 것이었다. ...
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